Getting Satisfaction

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Today’s challenge is satisfaction. This past 3 1/2 years I have been developing my business. And let’s face the music, during that period, I’ve had precious little time to do anything else. So when I can grab one of my cameras — or even several of them when I cover a concert event — then, I really get time for myself and it’s a bit like coming up for air. Over lunch today, I met with a friend’s friend and we laid out a plan for a theme-based photo exhibition next Spring. I don’t know what the theme will be as yet, as I asked him to make his decision about it and I’ll adapt to it. In the meantime, it’s time for me to shut down this computer and get back on my bike and head South where we have a house in the Pyrenees. Great place for photography by the way. If only I could spot one of these sheep-eating bears who are roaming the area, I’d be pretty lucky I believe. 

Yann Gourvennec
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  1. I hope your vacation is both inspiring and restorative, Yann. And I hope you spot one of those elusive ours sauvages too — but from a safe distance! Cheers, et bonnes vacances.

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